With more than 20 years of experience PERT delivers flexible, efficient and customized plant solutions and equipments to the steel industry.
Industrial plants and general engineering are the core business of PERT. The main company purpose since more than 20 years has been to transfer technology and know how, with the supply of production lines and complete mills.
A dynamic and flexible approach meets all our Customers’ needs by a providing an integrated system of services. PERT has the engineering expertise to undertake all stages of design, development and manufacture of new equipment.
The power to change has always characterized PERT, where flexibility in thinking and in production is a pre-requisite.

Via Palladio, 17
3100 – Tavagnacco
(UDINE) Italy
Tel: +(39) 0432 575258
Fax: +(39) 0432 575035
Website : http://www.pertengineering.com
Rolling Mill

With its more than 20 years’ presence on the steel industry field and with the support of technicians with proven experience in the specific field of the rolling mill plant design, PERT has developed in last years an innovative and revolutionary range of equipments, became immediately a milestones in the rolling technology.
In a field where the technology proposed by the plants’ supplier is flattened on the same level,PERT decided to clearly differentiate proposing solutions that have never been previously developed. Thanks to these values, we succede to design and product a new concept of rolling stand and 6 different types of fast finishing block for rebar and wire rod production. None of the world’s producers of steel plants is able to propose the innovations recently introduced by PERT in the steel market.
We believe in continuous improvement of our equipments, studied and designed to fulfill the needs of the modern steel market and that have to meet the requirements of quality, flexibility, cost savings and easy of use, which is nowadays one of the decisive factors to be competitive. All our new equipments are protected by international patent.

The Stands patented by PERT Long Product Division are “BS-BiSupport” type. This is a technologically advanced solution which grants to the train the particular characteristics of flexibility and sturdiness.
These stands preserve the advantages of compactness and rapidity of ring change which are typical of the cantilever stands. In the same way they maintain and increase the advantages of the housingless stands, thanks to the adoption of a double support on the ring shaft . In this way there will be an important reduction of settlings practically a complete elimination of the flexotorsional problems.
The compact dimensions and the other characteristics of this type of stand permits to obtain:
- Absence of chocks
- Absence of spindles
- Less 85% spare parts
- Patented rings shaft made in alloy steel assure high bearable
loads (cold billet) compared to the cast iron rolls weak resistance
- Eccentric regulation (one complete turn represents 5 micron of gap)
- Short production changing time
- Highly reduced maintenance time and cost
- Reduced cost in foundations
- Thanks to the compact design of BS stands the buildings dimension
are reduced
- No piping on board
- Reduction of erection times
- Long bearings life
- Lower cranes load capacity

PERT has developed a new mill stand type which allows to achieve higher yields, in new and revamped rolling mill, with low investment costs. We developed a new generation of finishing block, called 2xTECHNOLOGY® finishing block, which is the result of the experience, passion and knowledge of our group of technicians. In only one machine we can have higher performances, production and quality.
Thanks to 2xTECHNOLOGY® Finishing Block, it is possible to roll two strands contemporary. In this way there is no more needs to use two finishing blocks for rolling 2 strands contemporary. The whole plant is more compact and with more little spaces than a plant with a traditional design.
The 2xTECHNOLOGY® Finishing Block is able to roll (one strand) in HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL configuration (with 2xTECHNOLOGY® convertible Finishing Block) or totally in HORIZONTAL configuration (two strand) as requested by the roll pass design.
Possibility of rolling double Strands: it means that for the same production in comparison with the traditional system, half speed is sufficient. | Strands: single strand with higher speed in comparison with 2XTechnology® |
Rings shaft installation on antifriction bearings | Roller shaft installation on plain bearings |
Lubrication of the stand bearings: by grease with a simple centralized circuit | Lubrication stand bearings: by oil with the necessity of a special unit for water removal. |
Water inlet in the lubrication system: it is cancelled due to the fact that the stand is separated from the gearbox and will use grease lubrication | Water inlet in the lubrication units: water frequently enters also with scales inside the stand housing |
Rings presetting is made in workshop, automatically regulation gap of rings will be made from the control room | Gauges presetting must be done after rings installation on the block. That means very long production stops |
Simple foundation | Heavy foundation with underground room for big oil lubrication unit and oil/water removal system |
PERT FLUR® Fast Lock-Unlock Ring SYSTEM allows changing of the rolling rings on our fast blocks in about 1 minute per ring (it means 20 minutes for the complete changing of the rings of a 10-pass block employing 3 persons, less than 15 minutes employing 4 persons).
This changing does not need special equipments and can be carried out also by non-skilled personnel without a special expertise. This solution represents a further innovation in the field of the fast finishing blocks, where PERT has reached nowadays a level of absolute excellence.
Combined with FLUR® System, PERT propose rolling rings in a special material, weight of which, compared with equivalent performances, is three time lower than a normal ring in tungsten carbide. Lower weight allows a better handling, further reducing times for ring changing and a cheaper cost than the normal ring.
FLUR® system is adaptable to all type of existing fast blocks, as well as the cantilever stand.

PERT provides the in-depth experience guidance and qualified personnel necessary to assist EPC contractors to achieve a successful project delivery since the beginning up to the operation of a plant.
PERT combine an emphasis on practicality with technical excellence, depth of resources and an unique vision of industrial architecture and engineering to achieve the most suitable design for specific needs.
Over the past 20 years PERT focused on expanding its structure in order to confirm its role as a player in engineering throught the integration of different fields of activity, and the enlargement of its organizations to compete for large industrial projects.
- Iron and Steel Industry
- Aluminium Plants
- Light Industry
- Infrastructure
- Environment